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| References | Casting | Arrays | Import | instanceof | Package | Synchronization | Throwable | finally | Dangerous | Stack | String |

In Java and ACDK, synchronization is handled via the Object instance.

In Java, you can synchronize the access to Objects with the 'synchronized' keyword:

// Java
class Foo
public Object
  int _counter;

  public synchronized int foo()
    return ++_counter;
In ACDK, the same is shown in the following way:

// C++ / acdk
class Foo
: public Object
  int _counter;


  virtual int foo()
    return ++_counter;
The same will be received except with (exception handling), if you declare to do the following:

// Java / acdk
int foo()
  int retval = ++_counter;
  return retval;
This usage is usually not recommended, since an exception between lock() and unlock() leaves the Object locked.
(See also  Finally)

An alternative usage of synchronization in Java is:

// Java
void foo(Object obj2lock)
  synchronized(obj2lock) { // or: obj2lock.lock();
  } // or: obj2lock.unlock();
In acdk it looks like:

// C++ / acdk
void foo(RObject obj2lock)
    SYNCHRONIZEOBJECT(obj2lock)  // or: obj2lock->lock();
  } // or: obj2lock->unlock();
Please notice the different possition at the beginning of the block before declaring SYNCHRONIZEOBJECT(obj2lock).

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Last modified 2005-05-08 18:16 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer