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Reflection of ACDK Objects

| Introduction | How to use | ClassLoader | Serialization | Reflection | Attributes | Mechanism |

Reflection is the ability to get information about the construction of an Object at runtime. ACDK supports Refection in the Java like manner.

Content of this chapter:

   The Metainfo repository
   Using Java compatible Reflection

 The Metainfo repository

ACDK holds all available information about ACDK compatible classes in C structures generated by acdkmc. The user can access this repository directly through the classes  acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzInfo,  acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzFieldInfo,  acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzMethodInfo,  acdk::lang::dmi::ClazzMethodArgInfo.

To access the repository directly is way with the most performance and are also used in all DMI related implementations.

 Using Java compatible Reflection

In the namespace  acdk::lang::reflect the classes known from Java are provided.
Last modified 2005-05-08 22:20 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer