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class ResultSet

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acdk::sql::ResultSet Class Reference

#include <ResultSet.h>

Inheritance diagram for acdk::sql::ResultSet:

acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet List of all members.

Detailed Description

API: JDBC 2.0, extended.

Roger Rene Kommer
2005/04/15 10:25:56

Public Member Functions

acdk::util::RIterator iterator ()
 gives a forward iterator wrapper to this ResultSet

virtual bool absolute (int row)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the given row number in the result set.

virtual void afterLast ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the end of the result set, just after the last row.

virtual void beforeFirst ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the front of the result set, just before the first row.

virtual void cancelRowUpdates ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Cancels the updates made to a row.

virtual void clearWarnings ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: After this call getWarnings returns null until a new warning is reported for this ResultSet.

virtual void close ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Releases this ResultSet object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed.

virtual void deleteRow ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Deletes the current row from the result set and the underlying database.

virtual int findColumn (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Maps the given Resultset column name to its ResultSet column index.

virtual bool first ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the first row in the result set.

virtual RArray getArray (int i)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets an SQL ARRAY value from the current row of this ResultSet object.

virtual RArray getArray (INP(RString) colName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets an SQL ARRAY value in the current row of this ResultSet object.

virtual acdk::io::RReader getAsciiStream (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK modified JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters.

virtual acdk::io::RReader getAsciiStream (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters.

virtual acdk::io::RReader getBinaryStream (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.

virtual acdk::io::RReader getBinaryStream (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.

virtual RBlob getBlob (int i)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets a BLOB value in the current row of this ResultSet object.

virtual RBlob getBlob (IN(RString) colName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets a BLOB value in the current row of this ResultSet object.

virtual bool getBoolean (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean.

virtual bool getBoolean (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean.

virtual byte getByte (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte.

virtual byte getByte (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte.

virtual RbyteArray getBytes (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte array.

virtual RbyteArray getBytes (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte array.

virtual acdk::io::RReader getCharacterStream (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a

virtual acdk::io::RReader getCharacterStream (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a

virtual int getConcurrency ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the concurrency mode of this result set.

virtual RString getCursorName ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the name of the SQL cursor used by this ResultSet.

virtual acdk::util::RDate getDate (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RDate object.

virtual acdk::util::RDate getDate (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RDate object.

virtual double getDouble (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java double.

virtual double getDouble (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java double.

virtual int getFetchDirection ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the fetch direction for this result set.

virtual int getFetchSize ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the fetch size for this result set.

virtual float getFloat (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java float.

virtual float getFloat (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java float.

virtual int getInt (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java int.

virtual int getInt (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java int.

virtual jlong getLong (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java jlong.

virtual jlong getLong (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java jlong.

virtual RResultSetMetaData getMetaData ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Retrieves the number, types and properties of a ResultSet's columns.

virtual acdk::lang::Object getObject (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java object.

virtual acdk::lang::Object getObject (int i, INP(acdk::util::RMap) map)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the value of a column in the current row as a Java object.

virtual acdk::lang::Object getObject (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java object.

virtual acdk::lang::Object getObject (INP(RString) colName, INP(acdk::util::RMap) map)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the value in the specified column as a Java object.

virtual int getRow ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Retrieves the current row number.

virtual short getShort (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java short.

virtual short getShort (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java short.

virtual RStatement getStatement ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the Statement that produced this ResultSet object.

virtual RString getString (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java RString.

virtual RString getString (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java RString.

virtual RTime getTime (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RTime object.

virtual RTime getTime (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RTime object.

virtual RTimestamp getTimestamp (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

virtual RTimestamp getTimestamp (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

virtual int getType ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the type of this result set.

virtual RSQLWarning getWarnings ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: The first warning reported by calls on this ResultSet is returned.

virtual void insertRow ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Inserts the contents of the insert row into the result set and the database.

virtual bool isAfterLast ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is after the last row in the result set.

virtual bool isBeforeFirst ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is before the first row in the result set.

virtual bool isFirst ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is on the first row of the result set.

virtual bool isLast ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is on the last row of the result set.

virtual bool last ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the last row in the result set.

virtual void moveToCurrentRow ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the remembered cursor position, usually the current row.

virtual void moveToInsertRow ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the insert row.

virtual bool next ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: Moves the cursor down one row from its current position.

virtual bool previous ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the previous row in the result set.

virtual void refreshRow ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Refreshes the current row with its most recent value in the database.

virtual bool relative (int rows)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor a relative number of rows, either positive or negative.

virtual bool rowDeleted ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether a row has been deleted.

virtual bool rowInserted ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the current row has had an insertion.

virtual bool rowUpdated ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the current row has been updated.

virtual void setFetchDirection (int direction)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gives a hint as to the direction in which the rows in this result set will be processed.

virtual void setFetchSize (int rows)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for this result set.

virtual void updateAsciiStream (int columnIndex, INP(acdk::io::RReader) x, int length)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value.

virtual void updateAsciiStream (INP(RString) columnName, INP(acdk::io::RReader) x, int length)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value.

virtual void updateBinaryStream (int columnIndex, INP(acdk::io::RReader) x, int length)=0
 API: JDK modified JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value.

virtual void updateBinaryStream (INP(RString) columnName, INP(acdk::io::RReader) x, int length)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value.

virtual void updateBoolean (int columnIndex, bool x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a boolean value.

virtual void updateBoolean (INP(RString) columnName, bool x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a boolean value.

virtual void updateByte (int columnIndex, byte x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte value.

virtual void updateByte (INP(RString) columnName, byte x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte value.

virtual void updateBytes (int columnIndex, INP(RbyteArray) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte array value.

virtual void updateBytes (INP(RString) columnName, INP(RbyteArray) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte array value.

virtual void updateCharacterStream (int columnIndex, INP(acdk::io::RReader) x, int length)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a character stream value.

virtual void updateCharacterStream (INP(RString) columnName, INP(acdk::io::RReader) reader, int length)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a character stream value.

virtual void updateDate (int columnIndex, INP(acdk::util::RDate) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RDate value.

virtual void updateDate (INP(RString) columnName, INP(acdk::util::RDate) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RDate value.

virtual void updateDouble (int columnIndex, double x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Double value.

virtual void updateDouble (INP(RString) columnName, double x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a double value.

virtual void updateFloat (int columnIndex, float x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a float value.

virtual void updateFloat (INP(RString) columnName, float x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a float value.

virtual void updateInt (int columnIndex, int x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an integer value.

virtual void updateInt (INP(RString) columnName, int x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an integer value.

virtual void updateLong (int columnIndex, jlong x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a jlong value.

virtual void updateLong (INP(RString) columnName, jlong x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a jlong value.

virtual void updateNull (int columnIndex)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Give a nullable column a null value.

virtual void updateNull (INP(RString) columnName)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a null value.

virtual void updateObject (int columnIndex, INP(acdk::lang::Object) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

virtual void updateObject (int columnIndex, INP(acdk::lang::Object) x, int scale)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

virtual void updateObject (INP(RString) columnName, INP(acdk::lang::Object) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

virtual void updateObject (INP(RString) columnName, INP(acdk::lang::Object) x, int scale)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

virtual void updateRow ()=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates the underlying database with the new contents of the current row.

virtual void updateShort (int columnIndex, short x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a short value.

virtual void updateShort (INP(RString) columnName, short x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a short value.

virtual void updateString (int columnIndex, INP(RString) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RString value.

virtual void updateString (INP(RString) columnName, INP(RString) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RString value.

virtual void updateTime (int columnIndex, INP(RTime) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RTime value.

virtual void updateTime (INP(RString) columnName, INP(RTime) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RTime value.

virtual void updateTimestamp (int columnIndex, INP(RTimestamp) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Timestamp value.

virtual void updateTimestamp (INP(RString) columnName, INP(RTimestamp) x)=0
 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Timestamp value.

virtual bool wasNull ()=0

Static Public Attributes

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The concurrency mode for a ResultSet object that may NOT be updated.

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The concurrency mode for a ResultSet object that may be updated.

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The rows in a result set will be processed in a forward direction; first-to-last.

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The rows in a result set will be processed in a reverse direction; last-to-first.

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The order in which rows in a result set will be processed is unknown.

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The type for a ResultSet object whose cursor may move only forward.

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The type for a ResultSet object that is scrollable but generally not sensitive to changes made by others.

 API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The type for a ResultSet object that is scrollable and generally sensitive to changes made by others.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::absolute int  row  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the given row number in the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::afterLast  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the end of the result set, just after the last row.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::beforeFirst  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the front of the result set, just before the first row.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::cancelRowUpdates  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Cancels the updates made to a row.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::clearWarnings  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: After this call getWarnings returns null until a new warning is reported for this ResultSet.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::close  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Releases this ResultSet object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::deleteRow  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Deletes the current row from the result set and the underlying database.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::findColumn INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Maps the given Resultset column name to its ResultSet column index.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::first  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the first row in the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RArray acdk::sql::ResultSet::getArray INP(RString colName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets an SQL ARRAY value in the current row of this ResultSet object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RArray acdk::sql::ResultSet::getArray int  i  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets an SQL ARRAY value from the current row of this ResultSet object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::io::RReader acdk::sql::ResultSet::getAsciiStream INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::io::RReader acdk::sql::ResultSet::getAsciiStream int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK modified JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of ASCII characters.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::io::RReader acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBinaryStream INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::io::RReader acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBinaryStream int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RBlob acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBlob IN(RString colName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets a BLOB value in the current row of this ResultSet object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RBlob acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBlob int  i  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets a BLOB value in the current row of this ResultSet object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBoolean INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBoolean int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual byte acdk::sql::ResultSet::getByte INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual byte acdk::sql::ResultSet::getByte int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RbyteArray acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBytes INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte array.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RbyteArray acdk::sql::ResultSet::getBytes int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte array.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::io::RReader acdk::sql::ResultSet::getCharacterStream INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::io::RReader acdk::sql::ResultSet::getCharacterStream int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gets the value of a column in the current row as a

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::getConcurrency  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the concurrency mode of this result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RString acdk::sql::ResultSet::getCursorName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the name of the SQL cursor used by this ResultSet.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::util::RDate acdk::sql::ResultSet::getDate INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RDate object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::util::RDate acdk::sql::ResultSet::getDate int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RDate object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual double acdk::sql::ResultSet::getDouble INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java double.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual double acdk::sql::ResultSet::getDouble int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java double.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::getFetchDirection  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the fetch direction for this result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::getFetchSize  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the fetch size for this result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual float acdk::sql::ResultSet::getFloat INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java float.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual float acdk::sql::ResultSet::getFloat int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java float.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::getInt INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java int.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::getInt int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java int.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual jlong acdk::sql::ResultSet::getLong INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java jlong.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual jlong acdk::sql::ResultSet::getLong int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java jlong.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RResultSetMetaData acdk::sql::ResultSet::getMetaData  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Retrieves the number, types and properties of a ResultSet's columns.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::lang::Object acdk::sql::ResultSet::getObject INP(RString colName,
INP(acdk::util::RMap map
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the value in the specified column as a Java object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::lang::Object acdk::sql::ResultSet::getObject INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::lang::Object acdk::sql::ResultSet::getObject int  i,
INP(acdk::util::RMap map
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the value of a column in the current row as a Java object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual acdk::lang::Object acdk::sql::ResultSet::getObject int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::getRow  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Retrieves the current row number.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual short acdk::sql::ResultSet::getShort INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java short.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual short acdk::sql::ResultSet::getShort int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java short.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RStatement acdk::sql::ResultSet::getStatement  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the Statement that produced this ResultSet object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RString acdk::sql::ResultSet::getString INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java RString.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RString acdk::sql::ResultSet::getString int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a Java RString.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RTime acdk::sql::ResultSet::getTime INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RTime object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RTime acdk::sql::ResultSet::getTime int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.RTime object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RTimestamp acdk::sql::ResultSet::getTimestamp INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RTimestamp acdk::sql::ResultSet::getTimestamp int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Gets the value of a column in the current row as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual int acdk::sql::ResultSet::getType  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Returns the type of this result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual RSQLWarning acdk::sql::ResultSet::getWarnings  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: The first warning reported by calls on this ResultSet is returned.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::insertRow  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Inserts the contents of the insert row into the result set and the database.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::isAfterLast  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is after the last row in the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::isBeforeFirst  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is before the first row in the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::isFirst  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is on the first row of the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::isLast  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the cursor is on the last row of the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

acdk::util::RIterator acdk::sql::ResultSet::iterator  )  [inline]

gives a forward iterator wrapper to this ResultSet

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::last  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the last row in the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::moveToCurrentRow  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the remembered cursor position, usually the current row.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::moveToInsertRow  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the insert row.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::next  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: Moves the cursor down one row from its current position.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::previous  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor to the previous row in the result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::refreshRow  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Refreshes the current row with its most recent value in the database.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::relative int  rows  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Moves the cursor a relative number of rows, either positive or negative.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::rowDeleted  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether a row has been deleted.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::rowInserted  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the current row has had an insertion.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::rowUpdated  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Indicates whether the current row has been updated.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::setFetchDirection int  direction  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gives a hint as to the direction in which the rows in this result set will be processed.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::setFetchSize int  rows  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for this result set.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateAsciiStream INP(RString columnName,
INP(acdk::io::RReader x,
int  length
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateAsciiStream int  columnIndex,
INP(acdk::io::RReader x,
int  length
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an ascii stream value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateBinaryStream INP(RString columnName,
INP(acdk::io::RReader x,
int  length
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateBinaryStream int  columnIndex,
INP(acdk::io::RReader x,
int  length
[pure virtual]

API: JDK modified JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a binary stream value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateBoolean INP(RString columnName,
bool  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a boolean value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateBoolean int  columnIndex,
bool  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a boolean value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateByte INP(RString columnName,
byte  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateByte int  columnIndex,
byte  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateBytes INP(RString columnName,
INP(RbyteArray x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte array value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateBytes int  columnIndex,
INP(RbyteArray x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a byte array value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateCharacterStream INP(RString columnName,
INP(acdk::io::RReader reader,
int  length
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a character stream value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateCharacterStream int  columnIndex,
INP(acdk::io::RReader x,
int  length
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a character stream value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateDate INP(RString columnName,
INP(acdk::util::RDate x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RDate value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateDate int  columnIndex,
INP(acdk::util::RDate x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RDate value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateDouble INP(RString columnName,
double  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a double value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateDouble int  columnIndex,
double  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Double value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateFloat INP(RString columnName,
float  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a float value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateFloat int  columnIndex,
float  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a float value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateInt INP(RString columnName,
int  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an integer value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateInt int  columnIndex,
int  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an integer value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateLong INP(RString columnName,
jlong  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a jlong value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateLong int  columnIndex,
jlong  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a jlong value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateNull INP(RString columnName  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a null value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateNull int  columnIndex  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Give a nullable column a null value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateObject INP(RString columnName,
INP(acdk::lang::Object x,
int  scale
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateObject INP(RString columnName,
INP(acdk::lang::Object x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateObject int  columnIndex,
INP(acdk::lang::Object x,
int  scale
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateObject int  columnIndex,
INP(acdk::lang::Object x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with an acdk::lang::Object value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateRow  )  [pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates the underlying database with the new contents of the current row.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateShort INP(RString columnName,
short  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a short value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateShort int  columnIndex,
short  x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a short value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateString INP(RString columnName,
INP(RString x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RString value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateString int  columnIndex,
INP(RString x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RString value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateTime INP(RString columnName,
INP(RTime x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RTime value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateTime int  columnIndex,
INP(RTime x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a RTime value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateTimestamp INP(RString columnName,
INP(RTimestamp x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Timestamp value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual void acdk::sql::ResultSet::updateTimestamp int  columnIndex,
INP(RTimestamp x
[pure virtual]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 Updates a column with a Timestamp value.

Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

virtual bool acdk::sql::ResultSet::wasNull  )  [pure virtual]


Implemented in acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCResultSet, and acdk::sql::sqlite::LiteResultSet.

Member Data Documentation

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::CONCUR_READ_ONLY [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The concurrency mode for a ResultSet object that may NOT be updated.

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::CONCUR_UPDATABLE [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The concurrency mode for a ResultSet object that may be updated.

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::FETCH_FORWARD [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The rows in a result set will be processed in a forward direction; first-to-last.

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::FETCH_REVERSE [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The rows in a result set will be processed in a reverse direction; last-to-first.

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::FETCH_UNKNOWN [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The order in which rows in a result set will be processed is unknown.

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The type for a ResultSet object whose cursor may move only forward.

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The type for a ResultSet object that is scrollable but generally not sensitive to changes made by others.

int acdk::sql::ResultSet::TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE [static]

API: JDK JDKDOC: JDBC 2.0 The type for a ResultSet object that is scrollable and generally sensitive to changes made by others.

Last modified 2005-05-08 18:33 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer