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namespace acdk::lang

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acdk::lang Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Corresponds to the java.lang package.

Implements basic Types.


class  ArithmeticException
 API: Java
. More...

class  ArithmeticOverflowException
 Signal arithmetic an overflow condition. More...

class  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
class  ArrayReadByteBuffer
 wrapps a a byteArray as ByteBuffer More...

class  ArrayReadWriteByteBuffer
 wrapps a a byteArray as ByteBuffer More...

class  Boolean
 In ACDK the type boolean is replaced with buildin type bool. More...

class  Buffers
 helper methods in connection with ByteBuffers More...

class  Byte
 Object wrapper to a byte. More...

class  ByteBuffer
 a ByteBuffer holds a a sequence of bytes More...

class  Character
 Object wrapper for a char (7 bit character). More...

class  Class
 A class represents a ACDK Class definition. More...

class  ClassCastException
 Will thrown if casting from one type to another will fail. More...

class  ClassLoader
 ClassLoader find and loads new classes. More...

class  ClassNotFoundException
 Will be thrown if a class cannot be found. More...

class  Cloneable
 If an Object is clonable (implements Clonable) it must either overwrite virtual acdk::lang::Object clone(); to simplify the implementation also Object::serialized_clone() can be used. More...

class  CloneNotSupportedException
 The if method clone() (Object::clone) doesn't support it should throw this exception. More...

class  CmdLineOption
 CmdLineOption represent a option in a command line and returns the options. More...

class  CmdLineParseException
 Thrown by the CmdLineParser if a command line cannot be parsed. More...

class  CmdLineParser
 CmdLineParser parses a Commandline (RStringArray) and returns the options. More...

class  Comparable
 Interface for comparing 2 objects. More...

class  ControlObjectSetMarket
class  CoreByteBuffer
 CoreByteBuffer is a standard implementation for a FlexByteBuffer. More...

class  DmiException
 Exception for DMI related error situations. More...

class  DmiTypeConversionException
 While processing a dynamic Method Invokation (like New, invoke, invoke_static, peek, poke, peek_static, poke_static) and one of the param data types cannot be converted. More...

class  Double
 Object wrapper for the basic double type. More...

class  Error
 Signals an Error, which is in most cases an non-recoverable error situation. More...

class  Exception
 Base class for most exception classes. More...

class  FlexByteBuffer
 A FlexBuffer can shrink and grow The FlexBuffer may also contains an internal limit. More...

class  Float
 Object wrapper for the basic float type. More...

class  IllegalAccessException
 Exception signals security volation situations. More...

class  IllegalArgumentException
 May thrown by a method, if an argument doesn't fit the expected value API: Java
. More...

class  IllegalMonitorStateException
 Possibily thrown by synchronisation operation. More...

class  IllegalStateException
 Signals that the internal state of a class has a invalid state. More...

class  IllegalThreadStateException
 May be thrown by acdk::lang::Thread if thread has invalid state for the method call. More...

class  IndexOutOfBoundsException
 Objects providing index based access to elements may throw this exception if index is out of range. More...

class  Initializer
 Used to be registered into main to enable initialization and deinitialization before user defined main starts and or after user defined main ends API: ACDK
. More...

class  InstantiationException
 Will be thrown, if a an object cannot be created. More...

class  Integer
 Object wrapper for the basic int type. More...

class  InterfaceBase
 Classes serves as base for all Interfaces. More...

class  InterruptedException
 will be thrown, if a thread is in a waitable state and the thread was interrupted. More...

class  Long
 Object wrapper for the basic jlong type API: ACDK
. More...

class  Math
 Some common math operations. More...

class  NativeStackFrame
 implements a StackFrame of native C++ code More...

class  NoSuchDmiElementException
 While processing a dynamic Method Invokation (like New, invoke, invoke_static, peek, poke, peek_static, poke_static) and the element cannot be found, this exception will be thrown. More...

class  NoSuchElementException
 While processing a dynamic Method Invokation (like New, invoke, invoke_static, peek, poke, peek_static, poke_static) and the element cannot be found, this exception will be thrown. More...

class  NoSuchFieldException
 Will be thrown in case a non-existant field will be accessed via reflection API: Java
. More...

class  NoSuchMethodException
 Will be thrown in case a non-existant method will be accessed via reflection API: Java
. More...

class  NullPointerException
 Will be thrown in case a Nil object reference will be accessed via method or field access. More...

class  Number
 This class provides some extended number parsing routines which also supports the extended unicode code character set and localization. More...

class  NumberFormatException
 Will be thrown in case a number cannot be parsed. More...

class  Object
 Root of all Classes, except Interfaces. More...

class  ObjectArrayBase
 base DMIable implementation of Arrays of Objects Normally this class will not be used by application code More...

class  ObjectArrayBaseImpl
 Object implements the array of Object similar to the Java Object[] construct. More...

class  ObjectBase
 ACDK specific implementation of Objects. More...

class  OutOfMemoryError
 This exception will be thrown in case no more memory cannot be allocated because either the memory was limited by the appliation or no more memory can be allocated from the underlying operation system. More...

class  Package
 just an nonfunction wrapper. More...

class  PackageDefinition
 static information about the package More...

class  ParamsMismatchException
 While processing a dynamic Method Invokation (like New, invoke, invoke_static, peek, poke, peek_static, poke_static) and the element cannot be found, this exception will be thrown. More...

class  Process
 Extern process/executable. More...

class  Process_PipeReader
 Helper class to reading process output API: ACDK internal
. More...

class  ReadByteBuffer
 a readable ByteBuffer More...

class  ReadWriteByteBuffer
 A readable and writeable ByteBuffer. More...

class  RegisterPackage
 Register helper. More...

class  RString
 specialization of RefClass1Interface<String, acdk::lang::Object, RComparable> to enable String related operators API: Java

class  Runnable
 Runnable can be used in connection with Threads. More...

class  Runtime
 Interface class to launch extern process. More...

class  RuntimeException
 RuntimeException can be thrown any time. More...

class  SaveConstructor
 helper class to protect constructors for freeing this by accident More...

class  ScopedWaitingMonitor
 class to register/deregister waiting monitor More...

class  SharedLibrary
 Loads shared libraries/DLLs at runtime. More...

class  Short
 Object wrapper for the basic short type. More...

class  SignalEventHandler
 Interface to handle signals. More...

class  SimplePtrItBuffer
 internal helper implements standard methods for ByteBuffer, which implements native begin() and end() methods More...

class  SlicedReadByteBuffer
 holds a slice from another ReadByteBuffer More...

class  SlicedReadWriteByteBuffer
 holds a slice from another ReadWriteByteBuffer More...

class  StackFrame
 interface for a Stack Trace description More...

class  StackFrameLocal
 represents a local variable in a StackFrame More...

class  StackOverflowError
 The StackOverflowError will only thrown on platforms (OS/compiler), which supports structured handling of these type of exceptions (f.e. More...

struct  StaticAsciiLiteral
 this is a little helper class for fast comparing String with string literals. More...

class  String
 Similar to Java but extended Some extional function are inspired by the org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils class. More...

class  String::StringIterator
 iterator of uc2chars of this string. More...

class  StringBuffer
 The Stringbuffer should work in a quite similar way to the java StringBuffer. More...

struct  StringHash
 This template compiles a ascii string literal hash code at up to 20 characters at compile time. More...

struct  StringHash::HashCalc
class  StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
 May be thrown by acdk::lang::String or acdk::lang::StringBuffer if index based method calls the index is out of range. More...

class  StringReadByteBuffer
 This class holds a String, whereas the String::characterClass() must already have the correct encoding. More...

struct  StringUtf8Utils
 Internal Helper class to handle UTF8 strings. More...

class  System
 Represends the host running this programm. More...

class  SystemError
 The class SystemError overtakes the role of the java VirtualMachineError and signal a failure in a operation system call API: Java & ACDK
. More...

class  SystemImpl
class  Thread
 This is base implementation to start and manage Thread. More...

class  ThreadDeath
 ThreadDeath will be thrown by the Thread::stop() function API: Java
. More...

class  ThreadGroup
 A ThreadGroup controls a group of threads. More...

class  ThreadLocal
 Implements a dynamic allocatable ThreadLocal variable. More...

class  Throwable
 Throwable is the root of all exceptions in the framework. More...

class  ThrowListener
 listen on exception before they are thrown via the THROWx macros. More...

class  UnicodeCharacter
 Wrapper to the basic uc2char type and provides extended information for a given unicode character. More...

class  UnsupportedOperationException
 Will be thrown if a given method is not supported API: Java
. More...

class  VersionInformation
 static information about the package More...

class  Void
 Object wrapper for a void type. More...

class  WriteByteBuffer
 a writeable ByteBuffer More...


typedef RObject(* ObjectCreator )()
typedef RObject(* ArrayCreator )(int length)
typedef RObject(* ArrayArrayCreator )(int length, int width)
typedef void(* DispatchThrowableFunc )(IN(RThrowable) ex)
typedef ::RObjectArrayImpl<
typedef ::RefHolder< ::acdk::lang::ObjectRObject
typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl<
typedef ::RObjectArrayImpl<
typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl<
typedef ::RObjectArrayImpl<
typedef RefHolder< StringRStringBase
typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl<
typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl<
::RObjectArrayImpl< RString > > 
typedef ::RObjectArrayImpl<
::RObjectArrayImpl< RString > > 
typedef int(* ACDK_MainFunc )(RObjectArrayImpl< RString > args)
 Signature of the user declared, java compatible main-Function.


enum  SliceType { ShadowSlice = 0x0000, CopyOnWriteSlice = 0x0001, ClonedSlice = 0x0002 }
 defines the Type of ByteBuffer slice More...

enum  Endian { BigEndian = 0, LittleEndian = 1 }
 defines if number will be stored as Big or LittleEndian More...

enum  ProcessStatus { ProcessStillRunning = 0x1000, ProcessFinished = 0x2000, ProcessAlreadyDestroyed = 0x4000, ProcessNotStarted = 0x8000 }
enum  SignalEventType { CtrlC_Event = 0x0001, CtrlBreak_Event = 0x0002 }
 Which signal occurs. More...

enum  StringStorageType {
  UnspecSST = 0x0000, NormalSST = 0x0001, SubSST = 0x0002, ConstSST = 0x0004,
  HashSST = 0x0008, StorageMaskSST = 0x000F
 defines how the String class store its internal buffer More...

enum  CharacterClass {
  CCAscii = 0x0010, CCUcs2 = 0x0020, CCUcs4 = 0x0030, CCAnsi = 0x0040,
  CCUtf8 = 0x0050, CCUtf16 = 0x0060, CCOsNative = CCOS_NATIVE, CharacterClassMask = 0x00F0
 specifies the encoding of the character buffer More...

enum  CodePage { Ascii_CP = 0x0000, Latin_1_CP = 0x0100, CodePageMask = 0xFF00 }
 ISO code pages supported by string only used if CharacterClass is CCAnsi. More...

enum  TrimFlags {
  TrimSpace = 0x01, TrimNewLines = 0x02, TrimControl = 0x04, TrimWhiteSpace = TrimSpace | TrimNewLines | TrimControl,
  TrimLeft = 0x10, TrimRight = 0x20, TrimBoth = TrimLeft | TrimRight
 flags for String::trim More...

enum  PlatformFlags {
  PfWin32 = 0x00000001, PfUnix = 0x00000002, PfLinux = 0x00000012, PfFreeBSD = 0x00000022,
  PfSolaris = 0x00000042, PfCygwin = 0x00000082, PfCcGcc = 0x00100000, PfCcVc = 0x00200000,
  PfCcBcc = 0x00400000, Pf32Bit = 0x10000000, Pf64Bit = 0x20000000, PfBigEndian = 0x40000000,
  PfLittleEndian = 0x80000000
 Represent platform flags. More...

enum  SystemStatus {
  SystemStatusBeforeMain = 0x00000000, SystemStatusStartMain = 0x00000001, SystemStatusConfigLoaded = 0x00000002, SystemStatusInUsersMain = 0x00000010,
  SystemStatusAfterUsersMain = 0x00000100, SystemStatusAfterMain = 0x00001000
 this flags combined signal in which initialization level ACDK is More...

enum  ThreadType { UserThreadType, SystemThreadType, MainThreadType }
 The Type or Creator of a Thread. More...


template<class T> T & getTypedObjectRef (::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar &thissv)
template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOfAs (const RefHolder< T > &t, IN(::acdk::lang::RClass) cls)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

template<class T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOfAs (T *t, IN(::acdk::lang::RClass) cls)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable Additionally the held type should be from type cls

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOfAs (const RefHolder< T > &t, IN(::acdk::lang::RClass) cls)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOfAs (const InterfaceHolder< T > &t, IN(::acdk::lang::RClass) cls)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

template<typename T, typename S> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOfAs (const ThrowableHolder< T, S > &t, IN(::acdk::lang::RClass) cls)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOfAs (const InterfaceHolder< T > &t, IN(::acdk::lang::RClass) cls)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

template<class T> ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (T *t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable on a given value type the corresponding reference type.

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (const RefHolder< T > &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (const InterfaceHolder< T > &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

template<typename T, typename S> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (const ThrowableHolder< T, S > &t)
inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (bool t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (char t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (ucchar t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (byte t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (short t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (int t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (jlong t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (float t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (double t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf (::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input variable.

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (const RefHolder< T > &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (const InterfaceHolder< T > &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

template<typename T, typename S> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (const ThrowableHolder< T, S > &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (bool &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (char &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (ucchar &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (byte &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (short &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (int &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (jlong &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (float &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (double &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar outOf (::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar &t)
 cast a type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as output variable.

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (const RefHolder< T > &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

template<typename T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (const InterfaceHolder< T > &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

template<typename T, typename S> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (const ThrowableHolder< T, S > &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (bool &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (char &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (ucchar &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (byte &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (short &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (int &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (jlong &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (float &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (double &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inoutOf (::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar &t)
 on a given type to the 'any' Type ScriptVar as input/output variable.

template<class T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar getScriptVarOf (T &t, int flags)
template<class T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar getScriptVarOf (T &t)
template<> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar getScriptVarOf< ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar > (::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar &t)
template<class T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar byVal (T &t)
 convert the given type to the 'any' type ScriptVar with the ByValue flag set

template<class T> inline::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar byRef (T &t)
 convert the given type to the 'any' type ScriptVar with the ByRef flag set

RString constr (const char *ptr)
 creates a const string

RString constr (const uc2char *ptr)
 creates a const string

RString stkstr (const char *ptr)
 ptr is a valid ASCII or UTF8 byte character stream (const char*) String create own buffer

RString stkstr (const uc2char *ptr)
 ptr is a valid UCS-2 character stream (const uc2char*) String create own buffer

RString stkstr (const uc4char *ptr)
 ptr is a valid UCS-4 character stream (const uc4char*) String create own buffer

template<class T> StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, const RefHolder< T > &t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &p, acdk::lang::Object *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, bool t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, char t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, uc2char t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, byte t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, short t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, int t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, jlong t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, float t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &sb, double t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, bool t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, char t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, uc2char t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, byte t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, short t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, int t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, jlong t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, float t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, double t)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &p, const char *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &p, char *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &p, const uc2char *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &p, uc2char *b)
template<class T> StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, T *b)
template<class T> StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, const RefHolder< T > &t)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, const char *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, char *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, const uc2char *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, uc2char *b)
StringBufferoperator<< (StringBuffer &rsb, const StringConcenator &sc)
StringBufferoperator<< (RStringBuffer &rsb, const StringConcenator &sc)
ACDK_CORE_PUBLIC StringcreateNewString (const char *str)
template<class ThrowableHolderType> void throwThrowableInstance (const ThrowableHolderType &ex)
 use this template to re-throw an exception instance.


enum Endian
const unsigned short _MagicObjectSig = 0xACDF
 see ObjectBase::_magic, is valid object

const unsigned short _MagicDeletedSig = 0xDEAD
 see ObjectBase::_magic, is delete object

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* acdk::lang::ACDK_MainFunc)(RObjectArrayImpl<RString> args)

Signature of the user declared, java compatible main-Function.

typedef RObject(* acdk::lang::ArrayArrayCreator)(int length, int width)

typedef RObject(* acdk::lang::ArrayCreator)(int length)

typedef void(* acdk::lang::DispatchThrowableFunc)(IN(RThrowable) ex)

typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl<RObject> acdk::lang::ObjectArray

typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl<RObjectArray> acdk::lang::ObjectArrayArray

typedef RObject(* acdk::lang::ObjectCreator)()

typedef::RefHolder<::acdk::lang::Object > acdk::lang::RObject

typedef ::RObjectArrayImpl<RObject> acdk::lang::RObjectArray

typedef ::RObjectArrayImpl<RObjectArray> acdk::lang::RObjectArrayArray

typedef::RObjectArrayImpl< RString > acdk::lang::RStringArray

typedef ::RObjectArrayImpl< ::RObjectArrayImpl<RString> > acdk::lang::RStringArrayArray

typedef RefHolder<String> acdk::lang::RStringBase

typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl<RString> acdk::lang::StringArray

typedef ::ObjectArrayImpl< ::RObjectArrayImpl<RString> > acdk::lang::StringArrayArray

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum acdk::lang::Endian

defines if number will be stored as Big or LittleEndian

Enumeration values:

enum acdk::lang::PlatformFlags

Represent platform flags.

Enumeration values:

enum acdk::lang::ProcessStatus

Enumeration values:

enum acdk::lang::SignalEventType

Which signal occurs.

Enumeration values:
CtrlC_Event  SIGINT on unix machines.
CtrlBreak_Event  on Unix SIGHUP

enum acdk::lang::SliceType

defines the Type of ByteBuffer slice

See also:
Enumeration values:
ShadowSlice  changes on slices writes also change original buffer
CopyOnWriteSlice  if a slice will be change, make a copy/clone of the slice
ClonedSlice  create a copy/clone of the slice

enum acdk::lang::SystemStatus

this flags combined signal in which initialization level ACDK is

Enumeration values:
SystemStatusBeforeMain  The ACDK main function not entered.
SystemStatusStartMain  System::main is called, but not yet initialized.
SystemStatusConfigLoaded  the configuration (environment, properties, command line) is read
SystemStatusInUsersMain  currently running in users code
SystemStatusAfterUsersMain  users main finished make some cleanup in System::main
SystemStatusAfterMain  ACDK quit main, code probably called by global destructors.

enum acdk::lang::ThreadType

The Type or Creator of a Thread.

Enumeration values:
UserThreadType  Thread was created by User.
SystemThreadType  Thread was created by System / Unknown.
MainThreadType  Thread is Main-Thread.

Function Documentation

ACDK_CORE_PUBLIC String* createNewString const char *  str  ) 

template<class T>
inline ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar getScriptVarOf T &  t  ) 

template<class T>
inline ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar getScriptVarOf T &  t,
int  flags

inline ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar getScriptVarOf< ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar > ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar t  ) 

template<class T>
T& getTypedObjectRef ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar thissv  )  [inline]

template<typename T, typename S>
inline ::acdk::lang::dmi::ScriptVar inOf const ThrowableHolder< T, S > &  t  ) 

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
const StringConcenator &  sc

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer rsb,
const StringConcenator &  sc

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
uc2char b

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
const uc2char b

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
char *  b

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
const char *  b

template<class T>
StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
const RefHolder< T > &  t

template<class T>
StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
T *  b

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer p,
uc2char b

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer p,
const uc2char b

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer p,
char *  b

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer p,
const char *  b

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
double  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
float  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
jlong  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
int  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
short  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
byte  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
uc2char  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
char  t

StringBuffer& operator<< RStringBuffer rsb,
bool  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
double  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
float  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
jlong  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
int  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
short  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
byte  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
uc2char  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
char  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
bool  t

StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer p,
acdk::lang::Object b

template<class T>
StringBuffer& operator<< StringBuffer sb,
const RefHolder< T > &  t

template<class ThrowableHolderType>
void throwThrowableInstance const ThrowableHolderType &  ex  ) 

use this template to re-throw an exception instance.

The THROW_INSTANCE() only works, if the exceptions has extended meta info

  try {
    try {
    } catch (RException ex) {
      THROW_INSTANCE(ex); // this should throw RNoSuchMethodException internally
  } catch (RNoSuchMethodException ex) {
    // reach here
  } catch (RException ex) {
    testAssertComment(false, structured throwing via THROW_INSTANCE failed);

Variable Documentation

const unsigned short acdk::lang::_MagicDeletedSig = 0xDEAD

see ObjectBase::_magic, is delete object

const unsigned short acdk::lang::_MagicObjectSig = 0xACDF

see ObjectBase::_magic, is valid object

enum acdk::lang::Endian

Last modified 2005-05-08 18:32 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer