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namespace acdk::util::logging

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acdk::util::logging Namespace Reference
[ACDK Logging classes/functions/macros]

Detailed Description

Contains the logging framework.


class  AbstractLogConsumer
 Abstract/incomplete implementation of the LogConsumer interface. More...

class  ConsoleConsumer
 Write the logs into the standard or error ouput console. More...

class  FileConsumer
 Writes LogRecord into a file. More...

class  Formatter
 same role as java.util.logging.Handler or org.apache.log4j.Appender More...

class  Level
class  LogConsumer
 same role as java.util.logging.Handler or org.apache.log4j.Appender More...

class  Logger
 represend one logical logger A logger can have a hierarchical name and 0 - n consumers More...

class  LogManager
 central instance to manage logging. More...

class  LogRecord
 represend one logging entry/message. More...

class  MsgBoxConsumer
 The message will displayed in a Message Dialog Box. More...

class  NamedParameter
 wrapper to a named paramater for logging purpose. More...

class  RollingFileConsumer
class  SimpleFormatter
 Very simple format with only Category: Message output. More...

class  StdFormatter
 Standard format for LogRecord in one readable line per LogRecord. More...

class  TransactionConsumer
 The TransactionConsumer wrapps the logging into a transaction. More...

class  TransactionFrame
 Helper class to deal with TransactionConsumer Used by the macros ACDK_TRANSLOG_BEGIN and ACDK_TRANSLOG_COMMIT. More...

class  Win32DbgConsumer
 different to the name this consumer can also be used in other than win32 platforms. More...

class  Win32DbgFormatter
 This format for a log entry int Microsoft Studio compativle format. More...

class  WriterConsumer
 pass logs to a given writer in the standard encoding More...


enum  LogLevel {
  AllSys = 0x0000, TransBegin = 0x0F10, TransCommit = 0x0F11, TransRollback = 0x0F12,
  All = 0x0100, SysDebug = 0x00F0, Debug = 0x1000, Debug100 = 0x1100,
  Debug200 = 0x1200, Debug300 = 0x1300, Debug400 = 0x1400, Trace = 0x2000,
  Trace100 = 0x2100, Trace500 = 0x2500, Trace700 = 0x2700, Info = 0x3000,
  Info100 = 0x3100, Info200 = 0x3200, Info300 = 0x3300, Info400 = 0x3400,
  Info500 = 0x3500, Info600 = 0x3600, Note = 0x4000, Warn = 0x5000,
  Error = 0x6000, Fatal = 0x8000, None = 0xFFFF
 A LogRecord has a LogLevel to categorize its noisiness. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum acdk::util::logging::LogLevel

A LogRecord has a LogLevel to categorize its noisiness.

From Debug, which should only be used for developer debug messessage to Fatal, which should used to notice fatal (non recovery) errors. The LogLevel below 0x0200 are reserved for special meaning

See also:


Enumeration values:
TransBegin  Used in connection with TransactionConsumer to start a new transaction.
TransCommit  Used in connection with TransactionConsumer to commit a transaction In Buffered Consumer, this should flush the output stream.
TransRollback  Used in connection with TransactionConsumer to rollback a transaction.
SysDebug  Logs system internals.
Debug  Messages which are used to debug a application by a developer.

The short prefex is 'D'.

Trace  Noisy application message.

It should be used to help users to trace what the application is doing. Trace should only used to figure out error situations. The short prefex is 'T'.

Info  Standard trace messages, which provides standard processing of an application.

The short prefex is 'I'.

Note  A Note message is a important trace message, which provides important processing steps of an application The short prefex is 'N'.
Warn  A Warn is a warning, which may is also an warning The application should proceed after a warning, but the result of an application may be implete.

The short prefex is 'W'.

Error  Error situtation are normally not handled (fixed) by an application.

The application resumes with processing, but the results may be incomplete and wrong. The short prefex is 'E'.

None  None is only used LogManager::Threshold value to indicate that no message should be written at all.
Last modified 2005-05-08 18:33 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer