acdk | All ACDK-Classes are inside the acdk*-packages |
acdk::boot | A simple ACDK sample with shared library, executable, interface and class |
acdk::cfgscript | Contains a Java/JavaScript like scripting language based on ACDK DMI |
acdk::cfgscript::acdkcfgscript | CfgScript interpreter executable |
acdk::io | Corresponds to the package, with some modifications |
acdk::java | Implements the utilisation of a Java 1.2 virtual machine |
acdk::java::awt | Wrapper classes to java::awt package |
acdk::java::awt::event | Some experimental C++ wrapper for the Java AWT events classes |
acdk::java::rmi | Java RMI implementation for ACDK |
acdk::java::rmi::registry | Java like RMI registry |
acdk::java::serialization | Provides a java compatible serialization of ACDK objects |
acdk::lang | Corresponds to the java.lang package |
acdk::lang::dmi | Classes implementing ACDK Metainfo and Dynamic method invokation |
acdk::lang::ref | Equally to the Java package java.lang.ref |
acdk::lang::reflect | Equally to the Java package java.lang.reflect |
acdk::lang::sys | System internal classes to support basic Language Features |
acdk::lisp | Implements the ACDK Lisp interpreter |
acdk::locale | Equally to the Java package java.locale |
acdk::make | Acdk make utility |
acdk::net | Equally to the Java package |
acdk::net::ftp | FTP client with plugin for virtual file system |
acdk::net::srfsys | Simple remote file system |
acdk::net::srsync | A simple remote file synchronization tool |
acdk::perl | Implements the Perl interpreter and wrapper Classes |
acdk::python | Implements the Python interpreter and wrapper classes |
acdk::security | Equally to the Java package |
acdk::sql | This packag follows the JDBC standards (java.sql) of the JDK 1.2 Please refer to acdk::sql::odbc::ODBCConnection for Implementation notes |
acdk::sql::odbc | Implements the ODBC driver for the ACDK Database Connector |
acdk::sql::sqlite | ACDK SQL wrapper for the SQLite3 database |
acdk::tcl | Implements the Tcl interpreter and wrapper Classes |
acdk::text | Equally to the Java package java.text |
acdk::tools | A collection of tools for ACDK |
acdk::tools::acdkmc | Implements ACDK Metacompiler for generating class metainfo and DMI interfaces |
acdk::tools::aunit | Unit-test framework |
acdk::tools::aunit::guitestrunner | A GUI application for running ACDK Unit Tests |
acdk::tools::csfide | Experimental IDE for CfgScript |
acdk::tools::mc | Public elements of the ACDK Metacompiler |
acdk::tools::odbctests | |
acdk::util | Equally to the Java package java.util |
acdk::util::logging | Contains the logging framework |
acdk::vfile | Virtual file system implemenetations |
acdk::vfile::tar | Virtual file system implemenation for tar files |
acdk::vfile::zip | Virtual file system implemenation for zip files |
acdk::wx | Windowing system using wxWindows |
acdk::wx::ide | Contains gui classes for building IDE's and other complex GUI applications |
acdk::wx::ide::inspector | Experimental classes for viewing Metainfo and Native Heaps |
acdk::xml | Contains acdk related XML implementations |
acdk::xml::dom | Deprecated XML implementation following the DOM interface |
acdk::xml::libxmldom | DOM2 Implementation using the libxml2 library |
acdk::xml::parsers | DOM2 Implementation |
acdk::xml::sax | XML implementation following the SAX interface |
acdkx | |
acdkx::arb | An implementation of the simple ACDK Request Broker |
acdkx::com | The MS Windows COM <-> ACDK bridge allows to control any ActiveX COM objects from inside ACDK C++ and Scripting languages |
acdkx::net | |
acdkx::net::ssl | Implements Secure Sockets and the HTTPS protocol using OpenSSL |
acdkx::orb | An implementation of an ORB for ACDK |
acdkx::orb::mc | Contains the MetaCompiler plugin used by acdkmc |
acdkx::orb::namesrv | |
acdkx::orb::selftests | Contains some interfaces/classes for testing purposes |
acdkx::rdmi | Contains a simple Remote DMI Server implementation |
org | Interfaces and implementation provided by organisations |
org::omg | Classes originally defined by the Open Management Group (OMG) |
org::omg::CORBA | Interfaces of Corba |
org::omg::CORBA::GIOP | General Inter Orb Protokoll |
org::omg::CORBA::IIOP | Internet Inter Orb Protocoll |
org::omg::CORBA::IOP | Inter Orb Protokoll |
org::omg::CORBA::portable | Corresponds Java org.omg.CORBA.portable package |
org::omg::CosNaming | Contains interfaces for the CORBA Naming service |
org::omg::PortableServer | The OMG definition of a portable server |
org::w3c | Interfaces and implementation provided by the w3c organisation |
org::w3c::dom | Interfaces Document acdk::lang::Object Model for XML files |
org::w3c::dom::traversal | Supports the optional Traversal feature of the DOM Level 2 Recommendation |
org::w3c::dom::xpath | Support the XPath selection on DOM Trees |
org::xml | Interfaces and implementation provided by the w3c organisation |
org::xml::sax | Interface for XML parser |
org::xml::sax::helpers | Helper classes for XML SAX handler |
tests | The tests namespace contains the unit tests |
tests::acdk | |
tests::acdk::cfgscript | |
tests::acdk::io | |
tests::acdk::java | |
tests::acdk::java::serialization | |
tests::acdk::lang | |
tests::acdk::lang::dmi | |
tests::acdk::lang::reflect | |
tests::acdk::lang::sys | |
tests::acdk::make | |
tests::acdk::net | |
tests::acdk::net::ftp | |
tests::acdk::python | |
tests::acdk::text | |
tests::acdk::tools | |
tests::acdk::tools::mc | |
tests::acdk::util | |
tests::acdk::util::logging | |
tests::acdk::vfile | |
tests::acdk::vfile::tar | |
tests::acdk::vfile::zip | |
tests::acdk::wx | |
tests::acdk::wx::ide | |
tests::acdk::xml | |
tests::acdk::xml::sax | |
tests::acdkx | |
tests::acdkx::arb | |
tests::acdkx::com | |
tests::acdkx::net | |
tests::acdkx::net::ssl | |
tests::acdkx::orb | |
tests::acdkx::rdmi |