software engineer &        architecture


CfgScript Class Method

| ClassDeclaration | Class Methods | Class Members | Calling Interface |

CfgScript provides static and nonstatic methods, Constructors and operator overloading.

Content of this chapter:

   Free Functions


:  Constructor
|  Destructor
|  Method
|  OperatorMethod


: Identifier '('  ParameterDecl ')  BlockStatement
A constructor method has the same name as the Class.
It can be used to intialize a new object.

class MyClass
extends MyBaseClass
  int ivar;
  MyClass(int intitval) 
    super("initValForMyBase"); // call MyBaseClass constructor
    ivar = intitval;

Base class initialization must be the first statement in the MethodBody of the constructor.


An destructor is implemented as a virtual method named finalize.
This finalize() method will be called once before the object will be destroyed.
Equally to Java you have to call the super.finalize().

class AClass {
  AClass() {}
  void finalize()

class BClass
extends AClass
  BClass() { super(); }
  void finalize()
AClass cls = new BClass();
cls = Nil;
The output will be:


: (MethodAttribute)* TypeName Identifier '(' ParameterDecl ')  BlockStatement

: 'public'
| 'protected'
| 'private'
| 'static'
Static methods can be called without an object instance.

public, protected, private are currently not supported.

Please refer also to  Calling Interface.


: [ NormalParameter ( ',' NormalParameter )* ( ', ' InitializedParameter )*

: ParameterAttribute*  TypeName Identifier

: TypeName Identifier '=' Expression

: 'in'      // parameter is a in parameter. 
            // A parameter without Attribute is also an in parameter
| 'out'     // out parameter (value can changed by callee)
| 'inout'   // combination of in and out
| 'byref'   // only used in rdmi: Parameter should be tranfered by reference
| 'byval'   // only used by rdmi: Parameter should be tranfered by value

Please refer also to  Calling Interface.


: (MethodAttribute)* TypeName 'operator' Operator '(' ParameterDecl ')  BlockStatement

class Average
extends acdk.lang.Object
  int count;
  double average;
  // a + operator should return this to be chainable
  // see below where this operator will be used
  Average operator+(int v) // defines the + operator
    average = (average * count + v) / (count + 1);
    count = count + 1;
    return this; 
  Average(int v) 
    count = 1;
    average = v;
  int getAverage() { return average; }
  int getCount()  return ivar; 

Average av = new Average(2);
av = av + 1 + 6; // calls Average.operator+(1).operator+(6)
out.println("Average of 2, 1 and 6 is " + av.getAverage());

Please refer also to  Calling Interface.

 Free Functions

Functions, which are not elements of a class, are not supported by CfgScript.

But you can receive a quite similar result using the  using statement.

// some global functions
using acdk.cfgscript.ScriptGlobals;

// byRef is a static function of ScriptGlobals


Last modified 2005-05-08 22:26 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer