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CfgScript Instanceof Expressions

| Literals | Assigment | Operator | Instanceof | Delegates | Lambda |

instanceof check if an object is type of a class

: Expression 'instanceof' TypeName

Please refer also to  Variable Declaration

class AClass
extends acdk.lang.Object
implements acdk.lang.Comparable
  int _numb;
  public AClass(int number) { _numb = number; }
  int compareTo(Object other) 
    return _numb - other._numb; 

Integer cls = new Integer(42);
acdk.lang.Comparable comp1;
  comp1 = new AClass(42);

if ((comp1 instanceof AClass) == false)
  throw new"instanceof seems not to work 1");
acdk.lang.Comparable comp2 = new String("bla");
if ((comp2 instanceof acdk.lang.Comparable) == false)
  throw new"instanceof seems not to work 2");

comp1.compareTo(new AClass(cls)); // convert it automatically from Integer to int
out.println("TEST OK");
Last modified 2005-05-08 18:22 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer