software engineer &        architecture



acdk_wx provides a ACDK-Wrapper to create platform independ GUI applications using the wxWindow/wxWidget GUI library.

acdk_wx is a ACDK wrapper for the portable http wxWidgets GUI library.

Different to the original wxWidgetds C++ library, acdk_wx uses the simplified  ACDK object model (no pointers needed).

Many GUI classes  are availabe in ACDK.

With  CfgScript portable GUI application can be written with C++ or Cfgscript with a  few lines.

For more information please refer also to the  handbook.

Sub chapter pages:

ACDK wxWindow/wxWidget (acdk_WX)
acdk_wx provides a ACDK-Wrapper to create platform independ GUI applications using the wxWindow/wxWidget GUI library.

How to install acdk_wx.

Handbook for using acdk_wx - ACDKs rich client GUI libaries.

This is a generic installation for ACDK packages.

ACDK is available under the LGPL license.

Please refer also to:
Last modified 2005-05-08 18:26 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer